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Meditation Retreats

Sam Roi Yot meditation retreat @ The Green Beach Resort (17 to 25 November 2018)















I am blessed to attend a meditation retreat at the The Green Beach Resort organised by Brother Richard Chia teaching the meditation techniques of concentration (Samadhi) and vipassana (insight) in the lineage of late Ven. Amatha Gavesi Thera. Participants of retreat were even more fortunate to have visiting forest monks led by Abbot Ven. Phra Mana from Sunnataram Forest Monastery during the last 3 days of the retreat.



Crossing Samsaric Ocean with floats

Is chasing after happiness the purpose of learning the Dhamma?

Knowledge is not Wisdom

How to spread the dhamma to your friends and family?

Thai amulets. Are they really lucky charms?



Buddhism and Meditation courses by

Brother Richard Chia:


Sunnataram Forest Monastery:

retreat 6.jpg

" Wonderful, indeed, it is to subdue the mind, so difficult to subdue, ever swift, and seizing whatever it desires. A tamed mind brings happiness. "

The Buddha

" We aspire for a blissful life. But the concept of blissfulness is not about how much material wealth you have but the cultivation of your mind."

Master Jin Bodhi

“ The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you. ”


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