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Do Buddhist practitioners need to shave their heads and don monk robes? - Teachings from the Diamond

Teaching by: Chan Master Miao-Tien, Forty-eighth Patriarch of the lineage of the Linji Order of Chan, the Fifty-eighth Patriarch since Master Bodhidharma, and the Eighty-fifth Patriarch since Shakyamuni Buddha.

Translated to English: Dr Jerome


诸菩萨摩诃萨 应如是生清净心,


不应住声香 味触法生心,


- 金刚经第十品- 庄严净土


this is why all Bodhisattvas and Mahāsattva should arise pure and clean mind,

should not abide in form, should not abide in sound, smell, taste, touch and Dhamma and should not abide in anything to arouse this mind. “

- Extract from the Diamond Sutra 10th Verse - Adornment of Buddhaland

Some Buddhist practitioners believed that they must shave their heads and don monk robes. This is a wrong view. Diamond sutra stated clearly that, “All Bodhisattvas and Mahāsattva should not abide in form, should not abide in sound, smell, taste, touch and Dhamma and should not abide in anything to arouse this mind.” Basically, this means that true practitioners do not need to be concerned about the exterior form. They do not abide or attach to forms. They can teach the Dhamma in any form or appearance (as a monk, practitioner at home or in any form of occupation such as soldier, teacher, doctor, etc). They use skillful means to teach the Dhamma to their audience and lead them along the way to liberation.

When the Buddha left his palace to cultivate in the forest, he did not shave his head! Looking at the ancient stone carvings in historical museums, the Buddha still have a bundle of long hair on his head. Did Bodhisattva Guan Yin and Manjusri shave their head? No! I do not understand why people have this wrong understanding that Buddhist practitioners must shave their heads and don monk robes. This view is not a right view. It is not true Dhamma. We must correct our understanding on this issue. In fact, true practitioners should be able to blend into the culture and era of their time and use skillful means to bring mundane people into the Dhamma. They is no use in wearing broken shoes and slippers, shaving heads, memorising and chanting the sutras if you don’t understand and apply them in your practice!

More information of Chan Master Miao-Tien:

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