Teaching by: Chan Master Miao-Tien, Forty-eighth Patriarch of the lineage of the Linji Order of Chan, the Fifty-eighth Patriarch since Master Bodhidharma, and the Eighty-fifth Patriarch since Shakyamuni Buddha.
Translated to English: Dr Jerome
诸菩萨摩诃萨 应如是生清净心,
不应住声香 味触法生心,
- 金刚经第十品- 庄严净土
this is why all Bodhisattas and Mahāsattva should arise pure and clean mind,
should not abide in form, should not abide in sound, smell, taste, touch and Dhamma and should not abide in anything to arouse this mind. “
- Extract from the Diamond Sutra 10th Verse - Adornment of Buddhaland
Mahāsattva are big bodhisattvas and these are practitioners who cultivate the path of bodhisattvas and Buddhas. One should arise a pure mind because our self-nature is fundamentally pure.
How then should we arise the pure mind? The Buddha said, “ One should not abide in form, should not abide in sound, smell, taste, touch and Dhamma and should not abide in anything to arouse this mind. “
In other words, our minds should not attach to forms. We should not have unnecessary lust and excessive thinking. We should not have any these delusions. We should not attach to sound, smell, taste, touch and Dhamma (mind objects). Even during all our activities in our lives including our thoughts, feelings, actions, speech and intentions, our mind should not abide in them. Our mind should be like emptiness, limitless, far and wide. Only then can we “not abide in anything to arouse this mind.”
It also means we should not let defilements remain in our mind. In this way, we can arise our pure mind from our self-nature (also Buddhanature) and this will arise in an natural way.
More information of Chan Master Miao-Tien: